Author: Alex Kava
Condition:Used- very good
ISBN-13:Â 9780778324409
Sabrina Galloway is the top scientist atEcoEnergy, leading the company’s researchteam to a successful breakthrough in thequest for an alternative fuel. The promise of acleaner tomorrow and the economic impacton world markets could be staggering. Thenshe makes an alarming discovery: someonehas tampered with the production process,resulting in toxic waste leaking into theFlorida waterways and the Gulf of Mexico.
Fighting mounting terror fueled by too manyaccidents and untimely deaths, Sabrina piecestogether the grim puzzle. The evidencepoints to a cover-up orchestrated by thechief executives of EcoEnergy. Now herdetermination to expose the company’ssecret has placed her in the crosshairs of aconspiracy that reaches further than shecould ever imagine—America’s biggesttraitors are lurking behind the doors of oneof the highest offices in the land.
Desperate, Sabrina flees the company withdamning evidence, aware that an enemy witheyes and ears everywhere makes each movea gamble. Running for her life with nowhereto hide and no one to trust, Sabrina knowsher next step could be her last….